Monday, April 16, 2018

The Ice Storm Blues

I'm not sure why (as reading was my main hobby as a child) I feel guilty now when I want to read. Even though I'm retired! I feel guilty as if reading is a less important hobby and I should be busy doing other, more important things. Like what I wonder? Vacuuming? Cleaning?

So I was pleased and relieved that the area in which I live had a major ice storm over the weekend and I nestled under a blanket on the couch glad for an excuse to indulge in a major read-athon!

My favourite genre is "murder mysteries" and I have been reading as many Elizabeth George books as I can manage to download onto my iPad from the online library system I belong to. You do have to commit a good chunk of time to her books as they are long which is fine by me. There are "trashy" mystery writers and very intelligent and articulate mystery writers and you can just guess which type Elizabeth George writes! Her books truly are extremely well written.

Some of her books have been serialized on Masterpiece Mystery on PBS with the main character being Inspector Lynley.

But before I can allow myself to read, being as the storm is over, I must complete a few things - yes, like vacuuming, cutting my hair, doing an errand or two, yoga, meditation etc so I'd better get busy. It's 10:25am and so far all I've been able to accomplish is writing on my other blog, cutting the nails of my two cats, eating breakfast, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I ACCOMPLISH things...(at least, that's the intent!)...

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